
“Passivity harms the cause of human rights.”

HIH Princess Ashraf Pahlavi
Chair of the UN High Commission for Human Rights, 1970

“Peace is not only better than war, but infinitely more arduous.”

George Bernard Shaw
Playwright & Critic – Noble Prize in Lit.1925

“Culture is the passion for sweetness and light, and (what is more) the passion for making them prevail.”

Matthew Arnold
English Poet & Cultural Critic

This blog is to assist the expansion of ‘cultural diplomacy’, ‘understanding’, promotion of ‘peace’ and ‘human rights’ education.

It is dedicated to all of whom with passion for humanity.

Mosi Dorbayani, PhD and his spouse Marjan A. Dorbayani, PhD are the Founders of The World Academy of Arts, Literature and Media – WAALM and its extension WAALM – School of Cultural Diplomacy, a non-for-profit and secular organisation that supports and promotes cross-cultural activities and cultural diplomacy.

The Dorbayanis are international educators and executive advisors and are ambassadors to several human rights educational organisations.

They are members of The Academic Council on the United Nations System – ACUNS and The United Nations Association – UNA.

The Dorbayanis are the recipients of Human Rights Hero Awards, at the 7th Annual International Human Rights Summit in Geneva, the seat of the European headquarters of the United Nations.